Monday, February 24, 2014

Blog #2

Timmy Huynh

In “Creating Identity, Defining Culture, and Making History from an Art Exhibit: An Unfinished Story: A Tribute to my Mothers,” by Valverde, I learned that there will always be haters. When artist Huynh Chau displayed a pedicure basin painted with the Republic Flag of Vietnam, she received a lot negative comments about her artwork from the Vietnamese diaspora community. Chau intended her art to mean one thing but the public interpreted as another. This goes to show that no matter what an artist creates. Some people are going to love it and some will dislike it.

While reading this article it reminded me of another one I read last autumn. It seems like anytime a minority in a America appropriates an iconic symbol from their childhood memory it’s controversial. Editorial cartoonist Vishavjit Singh, wore his favorite superhero costume, with the intention to challenge New Yorkers perception of superheroes. Singh received mixed feedback from the public. Some referred to him as a terrorist while others applauded him for being courageous. Do you like the turban Captain America?

Inside Source: Valverde, Kieu-Linh Caroline. 2008. "Creating Identity, Defining Culture, and Making History from an Art Exhibit: 'Unfinished Story: A Tribute to My Mothers'."Crossroads 19:2. Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Northern Illinois University.

Outside Source: Vishavjit Singh. "Captain America in a turban" Salon News, 10 Sep. 2013. Web. 22 Feb. 2014.  

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