(The designer above is Jason Wu and that is the dress that Jason Wu designed wore by Michelle Obama)
In my opinion, Asians will soon be on equal footing as white designers since new Asian designers are constantly welcomed in the designer realms. I hope that in the near future the face of fashion designers will change from whites to Asians.
As for the Compact Challenge, I survived and will probably continue this challenge. If I don't, I will at least think twice before buying anything. I will make sure that I ultimately need it and that there are no alternatives for the item such as I can't find it on craigslist, or marketplace to get a used version of the item. This has been an interesting quarter.
<3 Annie Tan
Blog #10
Works Cited:
Kawamura, Yuniya. "Fashion-ology: An Introduction to Fashion Studies." New York: Berg, 2005.
Outside Source:
Smith, Ray A. "A Design Generation Rising." The Wall Street Journal. 18 September 2009. 7 February 2010. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052970203440104574401320419023870.html
- http://fashionsourcebook.files.wordpress.com/2009/09/michelle-obama-jason-wu-white-dress-inauguration-ball.jpg
- http://nohway.files.wordpress.com/2009/02/1-jason_wu2.jpg
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