Wednesday, May 13, 2009

OMG--your handwriting is so CUTE!!!

This past weekend I went home to visit my family for mother’s day. When I got back to my apartment in Davis, much to my surprise, my friends had left me various notes telling me either they borrowed something, used something of mine, or something else. After I had read the article called, "Cuties in Japan," by Sharon Kinsella for class, the first thing I noticed was their handwriting. After we discussed the "cute" article in class, I noticed that "cute handwriting" has become something that isn’t even attempted anymore, it is just achieved. It is something that is natural to people because that is the "trend." In the article, Kinsella talks about how Japanese writing was usually written vertically with thin lines in some places and thin lines in others. Today, everyone pretty much has different handwriting from everyone else. Some people have bubbly handwriting, some people have square, and some people just have a different type of writing style. Although in Japan, many people think of "cute" handwriting as "stylized with little hearts, stars, and faces," not many people in America have that style. It’s interesting to see how this idea of "cute" things has even made it’s way into the way we write. I noticed from my friend’s notes that although they all have different styles of writing, they’re all "cute" in their own way. In Kinsella’s article she describes "cute" handwriting as bubbly, hearts, etc (as mentioned above.) However, to me, I realized that I don’t categorize handwriting as cute or not. It just seems weird to me. I just notice if the handwriting is nice, kind of messy, or straight up messy. So although this idea of "cute" handwriting is being done by a lot of people (who to me, are just people who have nice, clean-cut handwriting) it isn’t something that people have to work for anymore. Most people when they were little learned how to write and now they have their nice handwriting. It just comes naturally to them now.

After I observed their handwriting for some time, I also noticed how much paper my friends and I waste by leaving notes for each other all the time. That is why I decided that for this week, for my compact challenge, I would leave notes for them on a white board instead of wasting all this paper. If I can’t leave a note on a whiteboard, then I’ll try and use scrap paper that we save from old classes, poor printing quality paper that we couldn’t use anymore, or just random pieces of paper I find. I realize that if I can do these simple little things, then less trees will be wasted from all of my note-leaving-friends and I. In an article titled, "7 Ways You Can Easily Save Paper and Avoid Killing the Environment," author, Mustafa, discusses different ways that you can save paper. All of these are very simple things including: buying recycled paper, check your work so that you don’t print unnecessary copies, and even just using both sides of the paper when printing things. If you want to learn more about ways to save paper, you can find them here!! I felt that all of these things were pretty simple and that therefore, I was going to try and do my best to save paper. Whether it’s leaving notes to my friends on whiteboards, or scrap paper, or even just using double-sided printing, I hope that slowly I can stop wasting as much paper as I do now. Also, hopefully other people will start doing the same as well, so that our environment can be healthier.

Steph Hirsh
Blog #3

Article 1: Kinsella, Sharon. "Cuties in Japan." Class Reader.
Article 2: Mustafa. "7 Ways You Can Easily Save Paper and Avoid Killing the Environment" October 15, 2007.
image 1: own image
image 2: own image
image 3: own image

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