Sunday, April 28, 2019

Be Green Challenge (aka $ave Dat Money) 1

Ziyu Wang

I am broke. Very, very broke.

So this challenge will not be very difficult for me since I have been doing this challenge for quite a long time. Other than food, tuition, and rent I'm really not spending money on anything. Buy what you need, not what you want - unless its New Year or my birthday or something then I'll treat myself a little bit. But this challenge is obviously not really about saving money, that's just part of the benefits. This challenge is really about saving the environment.

Consumerism is like a plague in our society - it is slowly eating away our resources without us even noticing it. One example of such act would be fast fashion, which we learned in class through a documentary called "The True Cost of Fashion" is an industry that unleashes extreme harm to our planet. Yet we just seems to be purchasing more and more. If there is no demand, then there will be no supply. Our actions have direct consequences, so if we want to save ourselves, then we must act now.

Although the Be Green Challenge won't really be too much of anything for me, I still understand and appreciate the idea behind this. I hope we can really follow through with this challenge not just for this class but for generations beyond.
Image result for consumerism green


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