Monday, April 29, 2019

Week1 Mixed Emotions

I decided to join my class this year for the Be Green Challenge. As a long time second hand shopper and hand-me-down enthusiast, I thought "no problem." I am also a sustainable activist of sorts so, needless to say, I felt confident. Well, I pre-failed. I was in search for three sandals for this spring/summer and spent a good portion of the weekend searching for them on the pre-loved market. Full disclosure, I'm an unapologetic maximalist.

For the sandal search, I am in the process of bidding on one but could not find the other two I wanted in used condition. I searched and searched but it was useless. Sure I could have waited a few months, but then summer would be half way through, and I have learned that if I need or want something, waiting is not always the best option.

In short, I caved and purchased two pair of new sandals in advance of the challenge going into full gear. In my defense, before I took the plunge, I researched on the sustainability factor of the brands, Fila and Dr. Martens. Uh, no luck, they both did not score high of the eco-meter. I then looked for sales and found the items for 40% off on both using online coupons. Afterwards, I committed a despicable act by making sure I purchased the shoes before the challenge started.  It seems I failed myself and am not presenting a good model for my students.

To redeem myself a little, I purchased online classes to be more eco-conscious with clothes. I also started watching Youtube vids on how to sew again and plan to start up my trusty sewing machine. I plan to fix and upcycle some of my clothes. I have also been "shopping" in my closet more and have put together items from my current collection. Look, I'm not perfect, but this class and the challenge is keeping me as honest as possible. Maybe I should re-watch "True Cost" for inspiration.

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