Monday, April 29, 2019

Week 1 - Be Green Challenge #1

Alyssa Vang - ASA 141 - Week 1- Be Green Challenge #1

When it comes to fashion and shopping I feel like I am very attached to it as a designer because you naturally have an instinct of wanting to shop all the time and finding new trends and finding new ways to change your style on a daily. After moving to California I had a large shopping addiction me and my mom would always go shopping and we would go technically every week and we would always buy something new we did it for about almost a month or two. During this time I wasn’t really aware of the consumerism and wasting a lot of clothes and fast fashion. For some reason after a long while of wearing out those Close I would just throw them out and then go shopping and buy new clothes again.  It wasn’t until really I got into College where I was able to learn about sustainability and Fast fashion and how badly it affects the earth.  

After getting into college I didn’t shop as much as I did because one I didn’t have money and two I never had the time to shop unless there was an occasion to dress for. When I have clothes that I don’t need anymore are usually donate it to Goodwill and the rest of that I didn’t really mean that was not a good quality I would just throw it out because it something that either does not fit me anymore anymore it’s not wearable. As a designer I recognized at that a lot of fabric goes to waste in the lab because when there isn’t a fabric that they don’t mean that they throw it in a box where people can use it for most of the time it’s thrown out.  Even though I am no longer shopping as much as I used it I am still wasting a lot of fabric when I buy it for my collections and I hope in the future when I make future collections I can change this habit of buying too much fabric. What I can probably do for my future collection is probably reuse the fabric that I did not use from the last one and do something unique with it.

I am hoping that this should be green challenger would help me fix my shopping addiction and ways that I can change the world. Even though I might not make a big change at least it will help a little bit more. 

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