Sunday, April 28, 2019

Week 1 Be Green Challenge

Abigail Wang

I am looking forward to this challenge to see what difficulties and barriers I find on a weekly basis. For the most part I do not buy excessively, however I know I can still cut back on my consumerism. Especially, after watching the True Cost documentary in class, and our class discussions I feel sustainability is very important. I have started to look more at the labels on my clothing to find out where they were made, after watching the documentary. I have also began to imagine who could have created the clothing I wear and hope that they are treated fairly. I realize a lot of the time I just ignore the voice in my head that reminds me of this human rights aspect of consumerism because I can not afford to get more expensive clothes that are more sustainable etc.

Tidying Up with Marie Kondo

I am interested to see in this challenge how I can reflect on how to be more sustainable on a budget. For example, I have gone thrift shopping before and feel this is a pretty viable alternative. Also trying to save my money for only things I truly need, rather than want. I have started a list of items that I want to buy throughout this challenge but are not essentials i.e. makeup, clothes etc. and I will see if I truly still feel I 'need' these items after the challenge.

The outside source I have been viewing and thinking of so far in this challenge is Tidying Up with Marie Kondo, that has become so popular recently. I have watched a few of the episodes and think it ties in well with this challenge. Marie Kondo has her clients go through their wardrobe, item by item and choose to keep only the items that are very meaningful and 'spark joy.' She emphasizes cutting down on material items and taking good care in the items you have and love. I hope to apply this mindset to the challenge.

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