Sunday, April 28, 2019

Week 1: Be Green Challenge

Mahima Rupakula
ASA 141

Be Green Challenge: Week 1

When we were first presented this challenge, I thought it wouldn't be too difficult for me. I'm a very big fan of shopping, but recently I haven't had enough money or time to go out of my way to buy new clothes, so I thought it would just require me to continue with my current lifestyle. However, I can already see that I might run into some problems with getting athletic gear to train, as I usually wear out my athletic gear very quickly. Other than that, I do believe that it wouldn't be to difficult. I am especially not a fan of most fast fashion stores, which are some of the main contributors to the waste crisis surrounding fashion in today's world. For example, I get a lot of my clothes from my friends because I'm a very small person, and tend to fit into things most people grew out of. I think a really important component to this challenge is avoiding the brands that we discussed in class which contribute heavily to the waste present in the fashion industry. Watching The True Cost also further helped foster my feelings towards this project, as it was a very pathos charged argument that went deep into regions heavily affected by the fast fashion industry. This challenge is important to make us deliberate our consumer impact on the world in order to foster a sustainable future for generations to come. 

Figure showing how fast fashion forces workers to work for nothing, only to upcharge heavily in other markets.

Kenton, Will. “Fast Fashion.” Investopedia, Investopedia, 22 Apr. 2019, terms/f/fast-fashion.asp.

Morgan, Andrew, director. The True Cost. Cmv-Laservision, 2016.

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