Monday, June 9, 2008


We've all made it, 28+ days of being green and kicking consumerism out of our lives. We are one step closer to a better life, which does not have to center around consumption. Anyways, when I were studying for finals with my friends, I told them about my green project and I was taunted as being crazy and how I were able to do such a thing. For them, their last purchase was yesterday or the previous weekend when they bought a “much-needed” eye liner or a cute top. We partake in such consumerism knowing that we do not need uncountable articles of clothing in our closets.
However, clothing is more than a fashion statement, it is a style of life and self-expression for many. It influences attitudes, creates dispositions, and both emphasizes and reflects preferences.(Perrot) But we have taken it to another level by the buying power we have been granted and US government’s propaganda of excessive consumption. In our individualistic society, we seek to define ourselves in terms of our clothing. By dressing in a certain way or by owning certain number of clothing items, we validate and reward ourselves for our accomplishments. “In Western culture, clothing and immediate surroundings are used to protect and project a sense of self in very literal ways.” (Craik) Therefore, our lives are surrounded by and revolve around clothing and fashion that it has become a second nature for us as we partake in these everyday acts unknowingly.

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