Sunday, June 8, 2008

proper gym attire

Everybody is trying to put in their hours at the gym to get that summer body. Some people may have never set foot inside a gym before in their life. All I have to say is “Shame on you, the ARC is awesome and it is FREE!” I am a “gym rat” myself, although I may not look it. My diet has been horrible for the last 2 quarters and I have a real nasty sweet tooth; BUT NO EXCUSES! For those who are getting started, I will try and help you with what is appropriate attire and what is not.
As far as I know, the only official rules in the weight room at the ARC concerning attire are: no jeans and no sandals. Jeans will degrade the leather on the benches and cause them to tear. Sandals are a no brainer; you do not want steel dumbbells falling on your footsies. Other than those two restrictions, anything else is pretty much fair game, or are they…?
The following are unwritten rules of fashion inside the weight room which I live my life by. To truly be accepted inside a room full of stinky, sweaty, testosterone driven people you have to become a stinky and sweaty person. Try to look as “tore-up” as possible. Take myself for example. I head to the gym immediately after class and everyone can agree that I look like, for a lack of a better word “crap”!
A lot of people make the mistake of prettying themselves up before heading to the gym. You are here to sweat not hook up; although more power to those who hook up in the weight room. The problem I have with these people is that they are there to socialize, thus occupying equipment and space in an already crowded and hostile environment.
Proper gym attire can be linked to the fashion hierarchy in the Ming Dynasty (Chang). Cut off shirts and wife beaters should only be worn by the truly fit and the ladies, not the hairy brothers. The gym is not the place to be rebellious with your fashion Chewbacca (Kawamura). Certain people should be allowed to wear certain things and others not. I know I sound like a hater; but in my defense, I am well documented hater and if you are in the weight room as much as I am it becomes unbearable.

p.s. yall some really coo cats and it's been really coo kickin it with all yall for the last 10 weeks. goodluck with finals and ill catch yall around.

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