Monday, June 3, 2019

Week 6

Mary Qin
Week 6
ASA 141

I am so happy that this challenge is over since summer is coming up. This was difficult for me. However, I feel like I learned a lot from this challenge in terms of being aware of how much I buy things. While this challenge did teach me to think twice about the things that I buy and about where my clothing is coming from/how sustainable it is, I think that the part of the class that impacted me the most was not the challenge in itself, but the films that we watched in class. Watching the protesters struggle for livable pay and seeing how the garments pile up gave me better perspective on what I am contributing to with mindless shopping. I have heard in the past that some of the clothes from shops like Nike, Forever 21, and H&M are unethical, but I honestly did not really care. However, seeing those films and seeing the workers' struggles really put everything into perspective. Sandra Niessen's "Afterword: Re-Orienting Fashion Theory" talks about how Asian designers struggle with designing in the modern world and are only really wanted for exoticness. This reminds me again of how even in this world, Asia is seen as less than the West. The West merely sees it as something to exploit. The Los Angeles Times reported that Forever 21 had to pull out of the Chinese market and is looking to restructure itself. I am curious of how this could be positive or negative in terms of its fast fashion and working conditions.

Work Cited:
“Forever 21, Struggling with Global Expansion, Explores a Debt Restructuring.” Los Angeles Times, Los Angeles Times, 3 June 2019,

Niessen, Sandra "Afterword: Re-Orienting Fashion Theory." Re-Orienting Fashion: The Globalization of Asia Dress'. 2003. 

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