Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Be Green #1

Vrinda Gupta
ASA 141
Be Green#1

I'm looking forward to participating in the Be Green Challenge over the next few weeks. My spending habits are pretty impulsive, and I usually don't think twice about buying an inexpensive accessory or item of clothing from fast fashion corporations like Forever 21. My justification is usually that it won't break the bank and it provides immediate gratification for a stressful week or even the final piece to complete a desired ensemble. The documentary we watched on fast fashion, sweatshops, and its impact on our environment and developing countries really opened my eyes to all the environmental injustice around the world that the fashion industry plays a part in. I'm excited to be more conscious of my spending practices and cultivate sustainable habits so I don't contribute to the environment in extremely detrimental ways. 

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