Sunday, May 26, 2019

Week 5

Isabelle Perlada
Week 5

This week I did spend a lot of money, but it was on food in particular. I spent much of the week studying hard for a midterm and then taking care of other commitments within my community. Because I was so busy, I didn't have much time to meal prep or cook at home, much less think about buying things I don't really need at the moment. I was actually reflecting the other day on how I haven't received a package in the mail in a while, and how I wish that the packages coming to my apartment were mine and not my housemates'. I know for a fact, though, that the reason I like getting packages is the feeling of opening up that box and owning something completely new. But often times, the item goes underutilized. For example, I have a massive amount of liquid lipsticks because every time my favorite lippie company releases new shades, I'm always tempted to buy some of them because I feel like I don't already own that color and I need it. However, I don't even wear makeup that often and until only recently, it used to be that I wouldn't even put on a lippie when I did wear makeup. Consequently, I have a drawer full of lippies and I only use them once every blue moon.

Relating to the reading for this week, I think the presentation of other women in the media really influences my spending habits. If I see media showing women in certain styles or wearing certain seasonal colors as a part of their makeup looks, I become really likely to immediately purchase those things for myself. Holding myself to uphold this challenge has really caused me to reflect on and realize this. Here is a video I found that I liked regarding decluttering makeup collections, as it is something that could really apply to me right now and it helps watching others' processes in doing this same thing.

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