Monday, May 13, 2019

Week 3: Be Green - Shang Her

Shang Her
Be Green
Blog #3

I work as a teacher assistant for a kindergarten class in Woodland, Ca for about 2 years now. As the teacher assistant, I do prep work for activities and classwork. I also help students that were absent or behind. Each month I make about 500 copies of class work for the teacher and students. I see all the papers get passed out, turned in, and tossed away. I see supplies get used then toss away when no longer needed.     

I started to wonder if there is a way to be more sustainable while doing all the fun arts and crafts in the classroom. How well would students at that age understand sustainability and continue it in their future?
This video that I found was helpful but I was thinking about the bigger picture and to get all classrooms in California or in the U.S. to be a sustainable classroom? Would it be the start of new laws or policies?

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