Monday, May 6, 2019

Weeks 1 and 2 - Be Green Challenge

Weeks 1 and 2
Rhegille Baltazar
Be Green Challenge

First, coming into this assignment/challenge, I am not quire sure exactly what to expect. I am not exactly someone who shops out of boredom or therapy as I do not have the means to do so but if I did, I would absolutely engage in this type of retail therapy. I shop out of necessity. Or moreso what I deem as "necessity." So, maybe my definitions of this word are a little construed. If a big event arises, a concert, festival, formal gala, I will always buy something new. Why would a big special event cause me to outfit repeat? If I took a picture in it and posted that picture, the outfit is done.

This behavior causes me to look deeply at my own self in regards to my own self expression. Is my own self expression a performance to other people? Is it a competition in a sense? Why do I not feel comfortable taking a picture in an outfit that I have worn? Why do I need to take pictures for social media in general? It's not so much the idea of making memories but the idea of the fabrication of the person you are. I believe that this type of performance plays into the growing definitions of consumerism and its evil. The rise of social media has deepened consumerism past buying products and the ethics of it, but now how good does it look buying these products? These are definitely interesting things to think about moving forward.

After a week into the challenge, it being Week 2 now, I can say that it is not that difficult completing the challenge but then again no special events have come up. What I am worried about is graduation because I did originally intend on getting bright and shiny new dresses to show off for my graduation photos. Yet, we will see how this goes. Also, these past couple of weeks I have been to a couple music events... I enjoy commemorating these memories through tour merchandise and if the lines weren't long and I had extra money, maybe I would have spent it there. But so far so good.

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