Saturday, May 11, 2019

Week 3

Abigail Wang
Week 3

Week 3 of the Be Green Challenge has not been too difficult. I find the most difficulty I have is trying to not buy lunch on campus and eat out and instead bring my own lunches and cook. This is because I'm usually super busy and have a packed schedule, so often times I don't have a lot of time to meal prep. This week I really want to make the effort to meal prep and bring my lunch to school in reusable containers to avoid creating so much waste.
I haven't had that much of an urge to buy anything like clothes, candles, home decor etc., which is usually what I buy if anything. I have been on Urban Outfitters clothing site but I usually don't buy anything when I go online, I like to just browse and get outfit inspiration and see what the newest fashions are. I think during this challenge I am trying to consider that when I choose to buy things like clothes I need to consider the impact this has on my own community. In Asia many people work in terrible factory environments and I do not want to support these brands that do not care for their workers. It is hard though because I do not have a lot of money, so when I do need to buy clothes for something I often go to brands like Forever 21. I am trying to be more ethical when I shop and instead go to the thrift stores in downtown Davis and look for similar items to the ones I want. I have still been continuing my list of items I find myself wanting to buy to track my consumer habits. I've found the hardest items to stop myself from buying are makeup. I recently ran out of my eye brow pencil and I wanted to buy a new pencil but instead I've been filling in my eyebrows with a darker eyeshadow and brush, so I do not have to purchase a new eyebrow pencil.
When researching ethical makeup brands I've found most only consider animal-testing or creating more natural products without chemicals when they think of being ethical. I think it is important to also think of the people who are creating these products and the factory conditions.
Picture of a makeup that is cruelty free and vegan.

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