Saturday, May 11, 2019

Week 3

Entry #3
Reanna Lao

Writing this blog entry is much more difficult than the challenge itself. There really hasn't been much change from last week. As a busy college student, I find it difficult to find time to consume anything but food and energy. The thought of online shopping or just shopping for anything other than food does not even cross my mind. One thing that this challenge has done for me is that it has made me more aware of my surroundings. The other day when walking around campus, I stumbled upon a trash can filled with plastic cups. With the rate that people are consuming one time use utensils and cups, I cannot imagine what the future will look like. I believe that the government should impose stricter waste laws. The tax on plastic bags in San Francisco for example has lead to a significant decrease in plastic bag consumption. I just can not understand how someone could bring reusable bags to the grocery store but can not bring a cup to the cafe. It is sad that most consumers are unaware that these plastics end up in the ocean or being shipped off to a wasteland in third world countries. On this note, I believe there needs to be some re-education on how to properly recycle and compost materials.

In this week's reading on Material Mao by Thuy Linh, designers were praised for bringing culture into fashion. The reading got me thinking why there isn't more of a culture to re-purpose used materials. The picture below shows a cool way of paper utensils being transformed into a dress.


Linh, Thuy. Material Mao

Photo from

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