Monday, May 27, 2019

Week 5: The Consumer's Gaze

Week 5
Rhegille Baltazar

The devil is alive. Temptation is easy when it's summer. You feel like the whole world is in your bank account with the weather is nice. I, myself, would indeed love a hot girl summer. In order to do so, I must dress like a hot girl. However, I must step away from fast fashion. This week I have been good about not buying anything. It turns out that one of the dresses that my parents bought me for graduation does not fit so was it a sign? Also... is it possible for me to become a conscious, sustainable hot girl? Let's find out.

Yet, this hot girl brand, notoriously coined by rapper Megan Thee Stallion, in itself holds a consumerist notion. In order to be a hot girl, one must dress like a hot girl. Then one will feel like a hot girl. To dress like a hot girl causes focus and attention to said hot girl. Thus, the gaze.

This week's article focuses on women in advertisement and the notion that "sex sells." It discusses the gaze within advertisements. Both the male and the consumer. Advertisements manipulate its audience through understand where their gaze follows in order to sell its product. Thus, if I am conscious of these strategies, how can I, myself, be more conscious as a consumer albeit advertising?

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