Monday, May 27, 2019

Week 5

Week 5 Blog

Abigail Wang

Week 5 

This week was definitely one of the more challenging weeks of the challenge for me. It was really hard to pass up the good deals that were being advertised because of memorial weekend. I felt I failed the challenge this week because I bought an eyeliner I've wanted to for a long time because it finally came back into stock after many months. I find it hard to find the balance between wanting to be more aware of factory working conditions, the environment and exploitation of PoC labor and wanting to also not entirely restrict myself from buying things that truly bring me joy and I get a lot of use out of. During this challenge I have been very conscious of not buying any new clothing pieces and limiting my buying to food items. However, I think it is okay to buy and support ethical brands every once and awhile if it is some item you know you will get a lot of use out of. To break the cycle of consumption is extremely difficult, especially under a capitalistic society, so I think trying to be mindful and gradual about incorporating a more ethical lifestyle is important. 

A lot of the YouTube community has been under scrutiny in the past year for not being sustainable. Certain YouTubers, like Jenn Im who owns a clothing line, have been exposed for not having a sustainable brand. However, it is difficult as a lot of Beauty and Fashion YouTubers have become popular based on their "haul" videos, where they shared their recent purchases. This has created an access in buying new clothing and makeup, without consideration for the environmental and social impact. However, I think this shift in the YouTube community is interesting, considering these viewers that are criticizing are the same people who demanded haul videos. I am glad there is more consideration and talk about sustainability but I think it is also important to understand how these YouTuber's platforms were built on consumer culture. 

YouTuber, Jenn Im responds to criticism on her clothing brands lack of sustainability.

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