Sunday, May 12, 2019

Week 3
Christian Funk

It's week 3 of the challenge and it's a piece of cake. I'm still doing well and not shopping for anything. I don't have any urges to do so either. I am very content with everything I already have; I am without want and need. This is easy, bring it on.

The article we read this week by Kawamura talked about the current state of fashion in Japan. In Japan, street fashion is huge. This is especially seen in the youth culture. Street fashion has even influenced the culture to birth subgroups of the social structure. These groups share similar interests and behaviors and also tend to dress alike. These groups have their own style of dressing. The street fashion is so fast in these groups. People believe it is absolutely necessary that in order to fit it, one must dress like the group. With trends constantly coming and going at a rapid rate, how does this influence shopping behaviors amongst these subgroups of the culture? I'd imagine the groups would dress with the times and be within constant change.

Kawamura, Yuniya. “Japanese Teens as Producers of Street Fashion.”

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