Sunday, May 26, 2019

Week 5 - Be Green Challenge

Jinia Lee
Blog Post #5

I did better this week and didn't buy anything besides food. I was planning on shopping for a dress this weekend, but I no longer have the funds to spend money on anything else besides any expenses that might come up from my car accident. Although I bought new but necessary items last week, I feel that I've been doing pretty well so far. I have had a few instances where I wanted to check out my online shopping cart, but would either stop myself or have my friends stop me by reminding me about the challenge. I feel like my closet is kind of outdated and it makes me sad that I don't have new pieces for Spring and Summer. However, I'm kind of glad that the weather in Davis has been bipolar and I can still get away with casual sweaters and hoodies.

This week's article, Race and Beauty: A Comparison of Asian and Western Models in Women’s Magazine Advertisements, Frith et. al talked about Western vs Asian beauty advertisements. I noticed that Asian beauty standards prefer lighter skin shades which contrasts with western beauty standards that promote tan skin. This reminds me of my mom and her skin lightening products that she occasionally encourages me to use, especially during the summer when my skin gets tanner. It makes me question why light and white skin equate to higher status and is very Euro-centric but in the U.S., tan skin is desired but does not hold a lot of privilege.

Works Cited:

Frith, Katherine Toland, Hong Cheng, and Ping Shaw. 2004. "Race and Beauty: A Comparison of Asian and Western Models in Women’s Magazine Advertisements." Sex Roles 50(1-2): 53-61.

Refinery29. "The Terrifying Truth About Skin Bleaching Products | Shady | Refinery29." YouTube. Retrieved 26 May 2019.

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