Sunday, May 19, 2019

Week4 Making Patterns

This week challenged me to be even more conscious about buying items on the second hand market. Honestly, it's about getting into a real habit of not going into or online retail stores. I think I succeeded with getting my "new" bed. I wanted to size down to a queen in a mid century modern style. I first thought of my friend who runs an estate sale company. Beds like that do come up but you just don't know how long you have to wait. There are tons of replications out there for a good price, but they are new. So, I checked on Craig's List and found a simple one made by West Elm at fraction of the price and in great shape from the original owner. I went to the West Elm to make sure the beds they make are sturdy and attractive. They were. Then called Lugg (the Lyft of moving), used a code, and was able to arrange a move in the time I wanted for under $20. Yes, it's more time consuming than getting online and having a bed delivered and assembled, but it would have cost double the price or more and would not have been green. Yay for me.

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