Sunday, May 19, 2019

Week 4

Isabelle Perlada
ASA 141
Week 4 Challenge

This week of the challenge was probably the easiest of all the past weeks because I was so busy that I didn't have time to even want to buy anything outside of necessity. Seeing others either fail to uphold this challenge or not be a part of it and purchase things impulsively has caused more reflection in me lately though. Knowing that I should try my best to honor this challenge has definitely awakened a consciousness in me to think before spending. I usually don't have to worry about these kinds of things because for as long as I can remember, I've always been somewhat financially secure and never have had to worry about making ends meet or having enough money for the basics. Now that I'm supposed to be thinking about this challenge and not being so weak to capitalism, I have had more thought as to when I'm only spending recklessly and how I am feeding into capitalist systems. I was never taught to think about where my products are coming from or who may have had to suffer in order for me to own the things that I do. So I am grateful to this challenge for introducing that kind of train of thought within me now. I hope that I can continue to be more thoughtful about my purchases once the school year is over and I'm not held to participating to this challenge in the same way that I am now even if this won't be a part of any class that I'm taking.

To try to keep this mindset going, I have been looking up videos on YouTube about impulse spending and sustainable shopping. This is the one that I found for this week.

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