Monday, May 6, 2019

Week2 Wabi Sabi - The Art of Imperfection

Kieu Linh Valverde

This week I tried to think more about what I already have. In some ways I was also thinking about (re)cultivating my style. The Refashioning Kimono exhibit reminded me of the term, "wabi sabi." In essence, its about the aesthetics of imperfection. I think that reflects well the way I approach fashion – it doesn't have to be polished, perfect, or predictable. It can be whimsical and unexpected. That too can bring a kind of beauty. This aesthetic also goes well with the concept of sustainability because by not having too much, you make do with what you have and that forces you to be creative. I love this as it's accessible to all. It just requires some imagination, courage, confidence, and a joyful outlook.

As for buying things, I did find myself buying "new" things for my children's upcoming birthday party. They are making most of their decorations, but I did also purchase a few items online for convenience sake. If I had been really good, I would have had the kids make their parting gifts or something like that. Uh, I really don't have that much time in a day but it's a consideration for next year. 

I've also been buying more online, but all preloved or NWT, but on second hand market. I've also been still searching for the perfect boro to invest in. Oh, and I've been getting into stones again. So, I dusted off my jewelry making kits to create Buddha bands for myself and my family. It's super fun and a fraction of the cost of what's been sold out there. Also, it's been very meditative.

So, I am still more or less keeping to the challenge but recognize I can do better.

kinstukuroi: “to repair with gold”.

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