Sunday, May 5, 2019

Wk2 Green Challenge

Ziyu Wang

7 Days into the Green Challenge...

I woke up and started feeling a little lightheaded. As I was browsing the internet, an shopping ad popped up, and I instantly vomited blood. Only when my brain forced my body to unplug the power did I regain consciousness. I realized that my mind has elevated and my sense heightened. My IQ has clocked 300, and to put it to good use, I started to read up research on quantum physics, which I mastered in 15 minutes. My head still feels a bit dizzy, so I loaded up PornHub to clear the mind. But instead of my usual routine, I wrote a 30 page literary critique on a particular video. I realized that I truly am ascended. I have exceeded the power barrier that limits mortals and has moved onto the next level. I noticed that I am about to be late for the Kimono Refashioned tour, so I started to head out. As I walk out I noticed something strange. With each step I take I get lighter and lighter, and that's when I realized that I am actually levitating above the Earth's surface. My center of mass has shifted due to my massive brain growth, and the Law of Gravity no longer affected me. Numbers and ancient hieroglyphs starts to blur my vision, and with a snap of my finger, I managed to reverse time. I went back to when I was 7 and found the boy who stole my Rubik's Cube as I erased him from existence. But with great power comes great responsibilities. All thanks to the Be Green Challenge, I have the power to change the world as we know it, the power to save it from ourselves. With my new found knowledge and purpose, I head out to spread my wisdom to the rest of the world.

Just kidding. This week I spent about 40 dollars on food and nothing else. Professor said that a habit takes about a month to kick in effect, but I honestly disagree. A habit is only established if the act is deemed enjoyable and worth doing. I have been in school for like 15 years and I still haven't established the habit of studying. Same can be applied with working out and other activities. I have a habit of not buying stuff, but if a person just loves shopping, prohibiting that person from shopping for a month will not do any justice to his or her shopping habit. It would just make them buy more when the challenge is over. This is why I encourage people to shop responsibly instead. And not just shopping, this applies to everything. We must use eco-friendly ways with how we approach our everyday lives such as traveling etc. Stopping them all together is not a solution. Shop smart is better than not shopping at all.
Image result for shop responsibly


1 comment:

Mansa Musa said...

Excellent read. I, too, indulge simple pleasures. Tallyho!